Title: By Their Side: A Resource for Caretakers and Loved Ones Facing an Eating Disorder
Format: Paperback | 300 pgs. | 6x9 in.
Price: $15.00
Shipping: FREE
Author: Lara Lyn Bell
ISBN: 978-1-61254-312-3
BISAC: Self-Help


Title: Working By Their Side: A Guided Journal
for Caretakers of Loved Ones Facing an Eating Disorder
Format: Paperback | 250 pgs. | 7x10 in.
Price: $12.95
Shipping: $2.99
Author: Lara Lyn Bell
ISBN: 978-1-61254-327-7
BISAC: Self-Help


"The contributors to By Their Side are selflessly courageous, and their stories are unforgettable examples of transparency, perseverance, and above all, grace. For those walking alongside someone they love on the long road to recovery, the book will resonate, and the workbook turns this resonance into action with a hands-on approach to reconnecting with hope and faith. This is an incredible resource that will bless so many."
— TOVA SIDO | Pastor, Author, Podcast Host, "The Remedy with Tova Sido"

"The entire family struggles when their loved one battles an eating disorder, and support for family and friends is vital to the healing process. By Their Side delivers that support through first-hand experiences from an array of warriors, because knowing you’re not alone is the beginning of healing. The book offers hopeful solutions for an extremely complicated and terrifying illness, and hope is the key to sustaining the team effort that’s necessary for recovery."
– TERRY BENTLEY HILL | Criminal Defense Attorney and Recipient of the Presidential Citation Award and Mental Health of America’s Carmen Miller Michael Prism Award for Mental Health Advocacy

"Equal parts raw, poignant, emotional, and powerful. The stories, advice, and solutions in the book are excellent and potent, because they do not come from an eating disorder ‘expert,’ but from the real experts on the frontlines – moms, families, and loved ones."
– EDDIE COKER | Singer-songwriter and Founder of the Wezmore Project

"This is a must-read for anyone whose family has been affected by an eating disorder. The book delivers invaluable insights and will resonate with families and caregivers who are feeling alone, afraid, and totally overwhelmed."
– STEPHANIE SETLIFF, MD | Medical Director, Eating Recovery Center of Dallas

"This book is thoughtful and insightful. After nearly two decades in the field, it is wonderful to have a resource that gives such a direct and candid look at the diverse experiences of treating and recovering from eating disorders. This collected work will guide you through the path taken by so many others and show that you are not alone in the darkness."
– TYLER WOOTEN, MD | Medical Director, Eating Recovery Center of Dallas

"Research shows putting our feelings into words actually produces therapeutic effects in the brain. Journaling takes the healing process to a deeper level. In addition to reading By Their Side, working simultaneously in the companion workbook will be one of the caretaker’s greatest assets in their journey. It will put them steps ahead in the therapeutic process as they walk toward health and healing."
– BETHANY HALEY WILLIAMS, PhD, LCSW | Founder & CEO, Exile International

"By Their Side offers a step-by-step guide for families and caregivers supporting a loved one with an eating disorder. With practical suggestions, lived experiences and references to additional resources, caregivers will find the guidance needed to navigate the path to recovery from an eating disorder. I highly recommend this book."
– BETH AYN STANSFIELD, M.ED | National Family Advocate, Eating Recovery Center/Insight Behavioral Health

© Lara Lyn Bell 2019